Now, Sarah from The Labyrinth, Is one to learn from. ‘You Have No Power Over Me’… Lessons From Labyrinth…

1. When you act and speak in self-contentedness and immaturity, blaming the world for your problems, the Goblin King Will actually create problems for you.
2. Nothing is as it seems.
3. A friend is someone who you show unconditional love to. Love is gained by giving Love, not expecting.
4. The only way out is Through.
5. The walls of the Labyrinth may only be broken down when you realize that you, yourself hold the power.
6. Your true friends will help you to discover your own truths.
7. A man, even a kind is only able to control you so long as you give him power.
8. There will always be choices, just keep moving forward.
9. Passion and determination supersede direction.
10. Everything that you are is also creating who you will become. Awake, Strengthened, experienced.

Of course, non of this could have foreshadowed Jennifer Connoley’s poor life choices to come in Requiem for a Dream…