Category: sound

Shut out The Noise

Do you Ever just shut of all the noise and Listen?  It is 2 am.  I am Alone.  Even my Son is absent from my home, Spending time with his Grandparents.  It is rare for me to find myself in a setting where I do not have ultimately, Chaos around me . I’m Consistently either surrounded by the 5 people to the 100’s of people I come into contact with at work daily.  Or at the very least, My Curiously, Impish 2 year old parades about. Even at home it is rare for me to find myself with No company.  While alone I am usually playing music at the very least.  At this moment I am Beautifully and comfortable alone.  My windows are open, allowing the Perfectly Chilled, Polar air to brisk through my home.  I am engulfed within such solitude it’s as though my hearing has improved.  My ears have given way to Every Crackling blade of glass, in the absence of distraction.  I recognize so many individual Sounds, Vibrations, singularly.  I am awe struck.  In this lack of distraction, Sounds of has became my keenest sense. Trains Horning, a genuine hum that makes you assume machines are running, Wheels on pavement, Chirps of Toads and Crickets, Mysterious Crepitant bustles heard from the leaves and pavement…  I Can’t wait to explore what My Mind hears when I am able to Shut out  even this noise, having recognized the sensitivity of sound.  Have you ever just shut out the Noise and Distractions?


Om is a sacred symbol and sound declared through multiple religions. The syllable Om is composed of three sounds a-u-m (in Sanskrit, the vowels a and u combine to become o) which when combined represent the trinity nature of the sound and symbol.

In some religions the symbol is said to embody earth atmosphere and heaven. In Hindu, the Om is representative of the Gods’ Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva…. Ultimately the Om is widely believed to be ”Something sacred …connected to the divine or holy.”

The Om is also described as “the embodiment of the universe.” In some cultures including an Indian philosophical ideas as well as Himalayan Sages it is taught that God created sound first and from that sound everything in the universe was created. Om, as the most sacred sound “is the root of the universe and everything that exists and it continues to hold everything together”. Withing Indian culture it is also taught that from this primal sound came the desire for humans to learn other sounds as the basis for verbal communication.

Om is considered by some the most sacred of any sound and “the syllable which preceded the universe and from which the gods were created.” ” The cosmic vibration that holds together the atoms of the world and heavens.” Some, such as the Upanishads believe Om is god in the form of sound. In Hindu and Sanskrit religions the sound ‘Aum’ is used preceding any prayer as a calling to God. Inviting God’s supernatural presence to inhabit whatever is to follow


Amazing Water & Sound Experiment #2

So Cool! This video produces one avenue I believe God Manifests


I Urge You to check this out!  Will be more like this in the future.