Tag Archive: Thought

The Two Will Become One.


Light, Dark
Yin, Yang
Good, Evil
Right, Wrong
Masculine, Feminine
… Alpha, Omega

As a species we have defined our word through extremes. Through these definitive words we are not only limiting our own potential, but limiting the all encompassing balance and supremacy the universe, or what I call God, is offering. The Two Will Become One. we have reached a pivotal shift, which we must allow our hearts to give way to, without the mind impeading. It is within our heart that we understand unities place. The Two Will Become One. I is time to break through these barriers of thoughts and words to allow free flow of spirit, and in turn external connection. This is often unknowingly what we long for, Connection, spiritual connection, which will also manifest physically. loose yourself. Silence your mind. Begin to hear the whispers of your heart. Allow your soul to lead. Break the barriers. Forget the extremes.

Einstein (continued)

“I want to know God’s thoughts; the rest are details.”

“God is subtle but he is not malicious.”

“Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind.”

“Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from weak minds.”

“The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.”

“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”

“My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind.”

“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.  It is the source of all true art and all science.  He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed.”

“A man’s ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties; no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeeded be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death.”

“A human being is a part of a whole, called by us _universe_, a part limited in time and space.  He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest… a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”

I thank God for the message about to be given, and my prayer is that a seed is planted within you that takes root,
dies and becomes firmly rooted within your spirit, as the world depends on it, on you, on US.
We have been created within this plane of existence as human. Placed in higher regard than even the angels.
We have been given free will where the Angels are commanded by the very voice of God.
We have been given the gift to choose to accept the Love and gifts of the spirit of God.
To utilize these things, to Love in return, unconditionally, and called to share these gifts with the world!
(ha! too funny, as God would have it R.E.M’s Loosing my religion streamed through my music as I’m writing this)
When I speak of God i do not reference a greying man in the sky marching with a cane and sprinkling magic God dust bring peace and
prosperity to church going people. I speak of the Force from which the universe and ALL inhabitants were created.
The Source of all that is and all that could ever be imagined. He is all of these things imagined. He is The Love within
you, and the Love that streams through you. You are BLESSED to be a vessel, called to light By him, for him, THROUGH HIM.
And you have CHOSEN to say Yes! I will take part in bringing your light and your Love to a broken, contrite, Dying world.
My true purpose in writing this is not to preach to you about God, If he has taught me anything, it is that he comes
to each individual as is fit for that person. Your relationship with God is just that, it is personal, intimate and ESSENTIAL.
I urge you to meditate on that concept alone. An INTIMATE relationship with God – as a Twin meets their Flame God is pursuing
YOU. I am concerned. I am concerned that though we have recognized some gifts we have been given, we are not recognizing
the source and in essence asking idols for guidance. I grew up in a home where the word God was not spoken, nor was the concept
illustrated. We learned of astral projecting, utilizing the help of our spirit guides. We trusted tarot cards, were given
dreams of prophecy. We read of interpreting dreams. We regressed to past lives. . . I went from there to studying any and all faith bases I could from
the Tibetan book of the dead, to the Koran, to Taoism, back to mythology and most recently to Catholicism/Christianity (which
5 years ago i would have shunned entirely). At this point the veils once placed have been lifted from my eyes.
God can not be summed in any one book of theology. But we have been taught this,
God has made himself PERSONALLY available to us. No longer is he in a box, where only the holiest of holies can go, hopefully
not to hear a bell ring as he drops dead to the floor covered in ‘sin’. God is Calling YOU to HIM personally. I urge you
in your prayers and meditations to Go directly to him as the source, there is no reason for mediators. And I Promise you
any real progress you are making within these gifts is a result of HIS will, and your response, not because of the angel, or deity
you have prayed too. Things of this world are either OF GOD or of EGO, people. WE need to recognize GOD as the source of everything
within life. Being the people he’s guided in connection with you, the dreams you are having, the words that are pouring
out of you, the light-headed feeling that seeps into every fiber of your being. Within every fiber of your being you are intertwined
with the same energy that brings life giving properties to the sun. A feeling was stirred up in me today, which I would have typically
interpreted as fear. Though God has created EVERYTHING, everything includes choice. Though God created the angels to love and serve him,
over 133,316,666 (roughly) of these angels have chosen to go against the love and life of God. For each Arch angel their is an
opposing Angel generally attributed to a deadly sin. There are forces at work in dimensions you cannot see that wish nothing
more than to thwart everything God is utilizing your gifts for. Your gifts are not for you, they are for the WORLD, for LOVE
and painting a portrait of God. Making him tangible in an unbelieving world. Be cautious in your practices, always remembering,
remaining thankfull to GOD. Always keeping God at the center of your meditations, for he is the only source. The channels in
which he chooses to reveal to you are up to him, not you for interpreting. Use heavenly wisdom. Head to your heart, and always work in light.
Having been on both sides of this veil, I urge you not to just take my words, hear what God is speaking to you and meditate on
that, WITH him. You have been called as sons and daughters of the most high. Take your place. The world needs God’s Love Now!



Break Free

Break Free- Break free of patterns- Break free of stereotypes- Break free of peoples opinions of you- Break free from self image- Break free from negative thought- Break free from the norm. You have the God given gift to allow the world around you to manifest through you. Your thought process possesses a Vibrational reaction upon the world around you. You possess the gift to effect the world around you on a mass scale, But you must be free of stigmas and judgments. Break Free


I release you

Would love to release you
instead I give you power
by taking on your pain through resentment

would give anything to let you go
instead you grow stronger

as I remember what was

poison to each other is all we ever were
leaching life or lack there of
dividing up pieces to make the other whole

through addictions and chaos
we would be each others demise
now my eyes are wide open,

you remain blind

placing blame where you can
not recognizing the source
you’ll continue to fall,

rock bottom becoming your foundation

  I hope the best for you
I’m letting you go
release me from your demons
allow my heart to flow


Divinity Abounds

Everything manifesting
Divinity abounds
Brings light to what seemed darkness
Showing no darkness surrounds
Intention in everything
Does not belong to me
Purpose through the senseless
Through an all encompassing key
Keep perspectives focused
on Truth and Heart
Out of these flows purity
From there we break apart
From lives we’ve believed
False blinds cast out